Leadership Civility – Presentation and thoughts from David McCuistion, PM

Annual Communication Civility 2017, poster used by NW Russ Charvonia at Annual Communication Communications Presentations. Available here as a resource for Masonic Presentations.

Sample Masonic Presentation used for a Grand Lodge. In PDF format. By MW Russ Charvonia, Past Grand Master of California. For use as a sample presentation

Sample Masonic Grand Lodge presentation Powerpoint slide deck. Prepared by MW Russ Charvonia, Past Grand Master of Masons of California. Can be used as a reference document for Masonic Presentations.

Civility Principles Exercise. Courtesy of Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2017 This is a “hands on” exercise that is tailored for a Lodge workshop or event. It can run from 20 to 30 minutes. This is the presenters guide which includes the handouts for the attendees.

A full featured Civility Presentation for Masonic Lodges or other Masonic organizations. This is a Powerpoint file. (There is a PDF version also online)
Focus is Civility and Masonry. Designed so you can customize as needed for a specific presentation.
Speaker notes are linked here.
Created by Wor Jamie Barr. 2017. To view the file online, select the PDF version.

A full featured Civility Presentation for Masonic Lodges or other Masonic organizations. This is a PDF file. (There is a Powerpoint version also online)
Focus is Civility and Masonry. Created by Brother Jamie Barr, P.M. 2017. Speaker notes are linked here.
If you wish to a version that can be edited, download the Powerpoint version.

Speaker notes for the Civility for Lodge presentation.

Brochure about Masonic Family Civility Project. To be used as a handout at Masonic events.

Civility Poster 2018 version. For Masonic Civility Family Project booth at a Masonic event

Masonic Youth Orders Membership Mindset Presentation – 2018, Worshipful Jamie Barr, P.M.

Conference of Grand Masters of North America, Civility update 2019 by PGM, California, Russ Charvonia MW Charvonia had the privilege of updating the Grand Masters and others on the progress of the Masonic Family Civility Project at the Conference of Grand Masters of North America in Rapid City, SD. Brethren from around the world continue to embrace the message and the mission. We are making a difference. We no longer seek to simply move the needle. We now recognize we need to work to move mountains, using the Masonic values and teachings.

Speaking notes for 2019 Civility presentation of Conference of Grand Masters of North America. By PGM Russ Charvonia of California.

Civility and Leadership Presentation, 2019 MW Russ Charvonia

Civility Ambassador 2019 training slides Powerpoint format

Civility Ambassador 2019 training slides PDF format

31 Day Civility Challenge. From www.civilityexperts.com

Latest Ambassador Training, Nov 2019. Presented by WM Russ Charvonia, PGM of California

Civility Presentation Template. You may modify for Masonic Civility presentations. Last updated in 2021. A special thank you to MW Sam Roberts and MW Russ Charvonia.

Initial introduction of Civility to Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188, California by Lawrence Altomare, PM 2016 Powerpoint format

Initial introduction of Civility to Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188, California by Lawrence Altomare, PM 2016 PDF format

Masonry and Civility by Dennis Dolle, PM. Powerpoint format – 2016

Masonry & Civility by Dennis Dole, PM. PDF format – 2016

Civility Principles Exercise. Courtesy of Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon. 2017 This is a “hands on” exercise that is tailored for a Lodge workshop or event. It can run from 20 to 30 minutes. This is the presenters guide which includes the handouts for the attendees.

Small Group Discussion exercise. From the National Institute for Civil Discourse. 2017

20 questions Card Game exercise instructions. These are the instructions. The cards to use in the exercise are in the file called “20 questions card game questions”. From the National Institute for Civil Discourse, 2017.

20 questions for the 20 questions Card Game exercise. Instructions are in a separate file, 20 Game Instructions. From the National Institute for Civil Discourse, 2017.

Solomon’s Wheels Facilitators Guide. This is a tool that can be used to explore an issue based on Masonic values. From the Grand Lodge of California. (c) 2012 CRR Global Inc.

Civil Dialogue Program – 2016. This is a “hands on” exercise that can be used in a Masonic Civility Presentation. It has been used successfully at Lodge event nights and District Schools of Instruction.

Trestleboard article by Wor Greg Cherry, Master Santa Monica Palisades (CA) Lodge 307 – 2106 PDF format

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 in California. 1 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 in California. 2 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 in California. 3 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 4 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 5 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 6 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 7 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 8 in a series of 9 articles.

Trestleboard article on Civility. Written by Wor Lawrence Altomare, PM of Oakland Durant Rockridge Lodge 188 (California). 9 in a series of 9 articles.

Initial article in a series of articles written by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Second in a series of articles on Civility by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Third in a series of articles on Civility by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Fourth in a series of articles on Civility by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Fifth in a series of articles on Civility by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Civilization in our Minds, Walter M. Macdougall, PGM of Maine

Sixthin a series of articles on Civility by MW Sam Roberts of Washington State

Civility in Hunkertown. A series of articles about Civility in close quarters. Article 1 of a series. Written by Wor Robert Sachs, P.M.

Civility in Hunkertown. A series of articles about Civility in close quarters. Article 2 of a series. Written by Wor Robert Sachs, P.M.

Civility in Hunkertown. A series of articles about Civility in close quarters. Article 3 of a series. Written by Wor Robert Sachs, P.M.

Civility in Hunkertown. A series of articles about Civility in close quarters. Article 4 of a series. Written by Wor Robert Sachs, P.M.

Civility Series of MW Sam Roberts, Past Grand Master of Washington State Masons

Trestleboard Article for Christmas Holiday time. Holiday and Civility by Robert Sachs, P.M.

Freemason’s Civility Initiative Outline by BC and Yukon Freemasons- 2017 For more information contact Bro. Barry Burch, 2017 Deputy Grand Master Elect British Columbia &Yukon AF&AM email: nshorebro@gmail.com

Freemason’s Civility Initiative Calendar by BC and Yukon Freemasons- 2017 For more information contact Bro. Barry Burch, 2017 Deputy Grand Master Elect British Columbia &Yukon AF&AM email: nshorebro@gmail.com

Baltimore Workplace Civility Study – 2003

Short Talk Bulletin on Civility by the Masonic Service Association of North America. April, 2014

Article on Religion, Politics and Civility from the Alaska Masonic Magazine (Light from the Greatland)

Paper on Civility from MW David Fryday

Masonic Civility Family email signature graphic. To be used in your email signature to promote Civility.

Comments from MW Jeffrey M. Williamson (dated Nov 15, 2016), Grand Master of the State of New York, regarding civility and social media

Civility in our Masonic Standard Work – Dennis Dolle, PM 2016

Civility in the Masonic Standard Work of Washington – 2015 Dennis Dolle, PM

Cost of Bad Behavior in the Workplace by Catherine M. Mattice, MA (c) Civility Partners LLC

Making the Case for Private Sector Investment in Community Improvement. By Martin Carver and Kent Roberts (c) National Civility Center 2002

Is Civility Alive? From M. David Perry, Past Grand Master of Masons of California From the December/January 2015 edition of California Freemason

Promoting Masonic values to restore civility graphic. Can be used in Masonic presentations. Thank you to R.W. Bro. Wilson M. Becket of Lewis Lodge 57, Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon for the graphic

Civility email signature graphic. Can be used in your email signature. Thank you to R.W. Bro. Wilson M. Becket of Lewis Lodge 57, Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon

Baby Boomers can set examples of Civility, Author: Rick Bava, 06Jul2017, www.newsmax.com

Thoughts on Masons setting an example for Civility. By Brother Chad Goyette, P.M. Lakewood Lodge #728 F&AM California

3 Simple ways to Spread Kindness in a Rude World – Real Simple Magazine, August 2017. By Jennifer King Lindley

Thoughts on Masonry and Civlity, MW John K. Bishop, Grand Master 2017/18, Grand Lodge of Alaska, Nov 2017